Copper Smelter and PMR as National Strategic Projects

The copper smelter and PMR facilities are recognized as National Strategic Projects by the Indonesian government, highlighting their critical importance to the country's economic development and industrial growth. AMIN's role in implementing these projects underscores its commitment to advancing domestic mineral processing capabilities and contributing to the strategic objectives of Indonesia's mining sector.

These facilities will span a 150-hectare area, situated 1.5 km from our Benete Port. With a smelter input capacity of 900,000 tonnes per annum (tpa), we will process copper concentrate from the Batu Hijau mine and the Future Elang mine under our ownership.

Fully Integrated Mine to Smelter Operations

As part of the Smelter Project, we are currently developing additional infrastructure crucial to supporting smelter operations. This includes an Air Separation Unit, a Desalination and Demineralization Water Plant, a sulfuric acid plant, an effluent treatment plant, a slag concentrator, a gas cleaning plant, and various other essential components.

These ongoing construction efforts are designed to ensure the seamless and efficient operation of the smelter and its associated processes. Upon completion of the Smelter Project, we will operate a fully integrated operation spanning from mine to smelter, establishing a standalone mining, processing, smelting, and refining complex strategically positioned near key end-market regions.

Main Feature of Our Copper Smelter

Smelter Feed

900,000 tpa
of copper concentrate
from Batu Hijau and future Elang

Smelter Product

220,000 tpa
of LME Grade A copper cathode
with 99.99% purity

830,000 tpa
of sulfuric acid
with 98.50% purity

Main Features of our Precious Metals Refinery (PMR)

PMR Feed

970 tpa
of anode slime
from the smelter

PMR Product

18 tpa
of gold bullions
with 99.99% purity

55 tpa
of silver bullions
with 99.95% purity

77 tpa
of selenium with
99.99% purity