AMNT converted CoW to IUPK-OP along with receiving a concentrate export permit.
AMMAN acquired significant shares in MacMahon Holdings Limited, a leading Australian mining contractor listed on the Australian Securities Exchange (ASX).
AMNT redesigned and accelerated the Phase 7 pit cutback under a new mining plan.
Amman Mineral Industri (AMIN) acquired a 145-hectare site for a smelter project in Benete and completed its Front-End Engineering Design (“FEED”)
AMNT significantly improved the quality of our tailings and minimized environmental impacts from deep-sea tailings placement ("DSTP")
AMNT commenced a feasibility study on Batu Hijau Phase 8 and a feasibility study on the Elang project.
AMNT started the production from Phase 7 fresh ore, three months ahead of schedule.
AMMAN completed scoping, pre-feasibility, and feasibility studies on the Elang project.
AMNT revised its Phase 8 design, increasing Batu Hijau’s reserves from 314 Mt to 460 Mt.
AMNT received the Aditama Trophy for Environmental Management and the Utama Award for Mineral Conservation from the 2020 Good Mining Practices (“GMP”) Awards, held by the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources. The Aditama is Indonesia’s highest award for good mining practices.
AMNT received two Aditama Trophies for Environmental Management and Mineral Conservation from the 2021 GMP Awards.
AMIN signed a Lump Sump Turnkey (“LSTK”) contract to develop the copper Smelter and PMR projects.
AMNT started Phase 8 cutback at Batu Hijau.
AMNT operates a 26.8 MWp solar power plant, the largest solar power facility operating in Indonesia in the mining industry.
AMNT signed a LSTK contract for the Combined Cycle Power Plant project.
AMNT received the Aditama Award for Environmental Management, and Utama Awards for Mineral Conservation and Mining Engineering Management from the 2022 GMP Awards.
AMMAN was listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange through an IPO on 7 July 2023.
AMNT received the Aditama Award for Environmental Management and Utama Awards for Mining
Engineering Management and Standardization and Mineral Services Business from the 2023 GMP Awards.AMNT received Subroto Award 2023 for Innovation in Community Nursery and Innovation in Community Development and Empowerment – Health subcategory (Stunting Prevention Program)
AMNT received the Mining for Community Welfare (Tamasya) Award 2023 for the Implementation of AMMAN's Tourism and Hospitality Training Program for West Sumbawa Youths from the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources (MEMR) of the Republic of Indonesia.
AMMAN was included in the MSCI Global Standard Indexes and FTSE Global Equity Index Series (Large Cap)
Inauguration of Copper Smelter and Precious Metal Refinery by the President of Indonesia.
AMNT was honored with the Subroto Award 2024 for 'Most Innovative Community Development and Empowerment in the Mineral Sector' in the Social and Cultural category for its Mantar Berseri Program.
AMNT received the Good Mining Practice Trophy, the highest recognition for Best Technical Mining Management, alongside three additional awards: The Aditama Award for Technical Management of Mineral Mining, the Utama Award for Mineral Conservation Management, the Utama Award for Environmental Management of Mineral Mining
AMMAN was recognized as one of 'The World’s Most Trustworthy Companies 2024' by Newsweek, ranking 15th among 53 companies in the Materials and Chemicals category.
AMMAN was included in the ‘Fortune Indonesia 100’, ranking 39th among Indonesia's largest companies.
AMNT received The Copper Mark for its Batu Hijau mine, meeting the majority of the certification's leading standards for responsible copper production practices.