AMMAN is committed to managing water resources

AMMAN is committed to managing water resources
In preparation for the operation of the various expansion projects in the Benete precinct, AMMAN required the construction of a seawater desalination (desal) and demineralization (demin) facility. Construction was completed earlier this year, and operations commenced in April 2024.  The facility has a desal capacity of 256 cubic meters per hour (m³/h) and a demin capacity of 65 m³/hr. This facility will support the smelting and refinery operations, the LNG Regasification Plant, and the newly constructed 450-megawatt combined-cycle power plant. Any excess capacity from the desal/demin plant can be used to help reduce the use of the existing freshwater sources.

In addition, a second facility is under construction in the Senunu area, which is expected to be commissioned in early 2025. This second facility has a desal capacity of approximately 4,500 m³/day or 187.5 m³/hr. Allowance is being made for a potential future expansion of an additional 2,250 m³/day. The facility is being constructed to provide alternative sources of water should the region experience any issues in the future as both demand from AMMAN and the surrounding communities grows.
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