West Sumbawa, 12 December 2024 - PT Amman Mineral Nusa Tenggara (AMMAN) hosted a communication forum for the residents living adjacent to the company's new-constructed smelter facility in West Sumbawa, Indonesia (KSB) from 9 December to 12 December 2024. The purpose was to inform the community members of the progress of the smelter commissioning and promote cooperation among the Company, the community, and the local government to facilitate the commissioning process.
AMMAN Vice President of Corporate Communications Kartika Octaviana stated that the Company is transparent and encourages the community to provide constructive feedback. “Our main focus right now is to carry out the commissioning process safely and meticulously to ensure the long-term operation of the smelter. We are currently commissioning the smelter, and we plan to begin operations or start the production of the first copper cathodes in the first quarter of 2025,” explained Kartika.
During the communication forum, AMMAN management explained the various stages of the commissioning process and highlighted potential social and environmental impacts. To minimize negative impacts, AMMAN routinely monitors air, water, and soil quality in the smelter environs. In addition, AMMAN installed a Continuous Emission Monitoring System (CEMS) to monitor smelter emissions. The results must comply with the approved Environmental Impact Assessment (AMDAL) projections and be submitted to the Provincial Environmental Agency.
AMMAN strives to meet or exceed international guidelines on minimizing negative impacts on the social and physical environment. The Company constructed acoustical shields to mitigate noise during the commissioning phase. Other initiatives include planting over 1,300 trees along the main access road to the smelter and asphalting the road to minimize dust. Additionally, AMMAN is rehabilitating the nearby Maluk River.
“Through the operation of this smelter, AMMAN remains committed to promoting local and national economic growth through domestic mineral processing and enhancing the competitiveness of mineral derivative products,” added Kartika.
The Seventh President of the Republic of Indonesia, Joko Widodo, inaugurated the AMMAN copper smelter in September 2024. This facility, a designated National Strategic Project, marks a significant milestone in the government's efforts to build downstream capability for mineral production and so strengthen national industrial resilience.