AMMAN’s Smelter Project Has Entered the Commissioning Stage

Press Release
AMMAN’s Smelter Project Has Entered the Commissioning Stage
Jakarta, 31 May 2024 - The copper smelter project of PT Amman Mineral Industri (AMIN), a subsidiary of PT Amman Mineral Internasional Tbk (AMMAN), located in West Sumbawa Regency (KSB), West Nusa Tenggara Province (NTB) has entered commissioning stage. AMIN President Director, Rachmat Makkasau, conveyed that the commencement of this commissioning stage is evidence that the physical construction of AMMAN's copper smelter is proceeding according to plan. 
"All equipment essential for smelter operations has been installed. In parallel, we have also begun commissioning various supporting infrastructures, including the Air Separation Unit, which is a vital facility to supply oxygen and nitrogen gas to the main smelter facility continuously without interruption," explained Rachmat.
Furthermore, AMIN has successfully commissioned a new desalination and demineralization water (DDW) supply facility, which utilizes advanced sea water reverse osmosis membrane technology to supply water needs at the smelter facility. A comprehensive commissioning process is also commencing across all facilities within the smelter complex.
Various efforts to accelerate the construction of the smelter were made by the AMIN team and the Chinese contractors (China Non-ferrous Metal Industry's Foreign Engineering and Construction Co., Ltd (NFC) and PT Pengembangan Industri Logam (PT PIL)). According to NFC records, the AMMAN smelter project will be the fastest-built double-flash smelting facility in the world outside of China. The verification results of the smelter's physical progress report conducted by an independent party concluded that the construction progress as of April 30, 2024, has reached 92.301%. Verification of the smelter's physical progress until the end of May 2024 will be conducted in June.
Copper concentrate is planned to begin being fed into the smelter facility to produce the first batch of copper cathodes in the second half of 2024. Meanwhile, most operations team members have successfully completed shopfloor training programs in Chinese smelters since the last quarter of 2023.
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