Prioritizing Mineral Conservation

In its operational activities, AMNT emphasizes mineral conservation through the responsible management and utilization of mineral resources in a measurable, efficient, and sustainable manner.

AMNT prioritizes the principle of mineral conservation by striving to achieve optimal mineral recovery from ore, thereby maximizing resource utilization and minimizing the generation of waste, known as tailings. This approach significantly reduces the environmental impact of our operations.

Ore Processing

Mineral ores extracted during the mining process are transported to the crusher and then conveyed by the conveyor belt to the processing plant facility. Here are some key stages of the processing plant operation:
Comminution is the process of reducing the size of ore particles through crushing and grinding. This step is essential for liberating valuable minerals from the ore and preparing it for further processing. Efficient comminution is crucial for maximizing mineral recovery and optimizing overall processing efficiency.
In flotation, finely ground ore is mixed with water and specific reagents. This process separates valuable minerals, such as copper, gold, or silver, from unwanted materials.
Dewatering is a process used to remove excess water from ore concentrates. Through dewatering, water content is reduced, making the material more manageable for transportation, storage, or further processing.

Responsible Tailings Management

AMNT's mineral processing operations prioritize the use of environmentally safe methods that avoid toxic or harmful chemicals. Consequently, the tailings deposited in the deep sea consist of finely crushed rocks, resembling natural formations found in nature. Through ongoing efforts to conserve minerals, AMNT has successfully reduced the mineral content in tailings, leading to cleaner tailings deposition practices.

Located near the coast of West Sumbawa Regency, the Batu Hijau mine utilizes a deep sea tailings placement (DSTP) system. Tailings are transported via a pipeline to a depth of 125 meters below sea level and then released into the Senunu deep sea canyon, reaching depths of up to three kilometers.

Various independent and reputable educational and research institutions have conducted periodic studies on the DSTP since its inception. These studies consistently report no adverse environmental impacts beyond estimated and permitted zones. Additionally, the government conducts regular monitoring at regional and national levels. AMNT upholds sound mining principles to ensure that tailings quality parameters consistently meet government standards.

Batu Hijau DSTP Due Diligence Study 2022 Batu Hijau Due Diligence Study 2022 Issue 2 Executive Summary by SAMS ENTERPRISE Batu Hijau Due Diligence Study 2022 Issue 4 by SAMS ENTERPRISE PT Amman Mineral Nusa Tenggara (AMNT) DSTP Due Diligence Study 2022 by CSIRO Batu Hijau Mine Environmental and Social Impact Assessment for a Tailings Storage Facility by GreenCorp

Processing Plant Expansion

As Batu Hijau's Phase 8 continues and ore extraction from the Elang project begins in the future, the volume of ore processed will notably increase. To accommodate this growth, AMNT has initiated a project to expand the Batu Hijau processing plant capacity from 35 million tonnes of ore per year to 85 million tonnes per year.